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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. Well here’s a problem:
    1. I need friends
    2. I need money for bets
    3. I need money for those items

    1. @Parth Kapoor Wdym the way I said it? Like really you are immature as a 9 year old. And can’t you assume what I mean? Your not the clown you the circus

  2. Child hood is watching these for fun. Adult hood is watching these for extra drink money.

  3. I remember watching these in middle school and getting so excited to try them in high school. I can safely say that friends are required for this.

  4. Me: spits water into glass*

    My friend: pukes into the glass*

    Me: suprised pikachu face*

    1. Just wash your face with the water in your glass. He’ll be in a big trouble.

  5. Imagine you watch this video and then make a bet with someone, but that person also watched this video

  6. The title should be “how to steal money from friend without actually stealing it”

    1. @Rays0592 Iโ€™ve tried on the lads and well, I got hunted down lmao

  7. Omfg, I love how blunt it is at the end- itโ€™s pretty much saying โ€œtrick your friend to go into a position where they cannot move, then steal their cash and RUNโ€

    1. Nice every veteran needs a discount no matter what ๐Ÿ•ด๐Ÿป

  8. I remember watching this series when I was little

    Ah nostalgia โ˜บ๏ธ

  9. i have so much nostalgia for this guy
    i watched him when i was like 5
    6 years later he still rocks

  10. โ€œSpit the liquid back in the glass.โ€
    **Spits half of it on the table**

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