This is Video Poker ♥️♣️♦️♠️ WCVPT II, VLOG 136

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This is Video Poker ♥️♣️♦️♠️ WCVPT II, VLOG 136

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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. The saying goes, you can’t win all the time. You may hit a streak, but it will catch up to you

  2. We’ve all been there, brother. Those 10+ hands without a single hit are brutal

  3. Greetings from Torrance! That machine was borderline evil. Ever been on a session where you either want a quad or just be put out of your misery? I have gone an hour before and everything in me said to quit, but it kept teasing me with full houses and 3 of a kinds. Even when the quad came out, I couldn’t celebrate. Was just too exhausted. You have my sympathies on this session. It truly was….”EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!”

  4. This is a shining example of why I like to play multi- hand video poker. This stretch is painful.

    1. Yep. Same here. Triple play DDB at $2 coin-in ($30 a deal). More quads, but still have the occasional horrid downswings.

  5. Nice grinding keep it up and let’s go..Always behind you 100% kick some butt out there and have fun!!

  6. Rude…can’t leave us hanging..I hope you caught the four of a kind after al😂

  7. As long as the streaks are on high denomination coin levels (when they come), don’t sweat the small stuff!🙌🏻🙌🏻🌎

  8. Okay Andrew, I know you like Circa and the strip and downtown casinos, but that was brutal. I suggest earnestly to try some local casinos!!! I do truly believe they pay back better. I want you to win so bad!!!

  9. 216 the 578 hearts is the correct hold, at 731 the correct hold is the pair of 10s not the inside straight flush. 1249 pair of 6 is the correct hold not the 3 card straight flush. Yes Andrew that was one very long video but was interesting too. LOL Better Luck

  10. I have been on a total dry spell lately as well. I attribute it to the economy being tits up and the machines aren’t getting as much play as they used to. Then when granny hits her quad she cashes and gets her free hot dog at the snack bar. The casino I got consolidated there VP machines so the less machines the tougher to get the 96% payback variable per person.

  11. To win more in a jacks or better do not hold two ten or lower pairs. Keep one face card then you have four spaces to pair!🤔😀

  12. Andrew, man I’ve been playing VP for 30 yrs and I love your videos. I’m pulling for you! Your doing something I’ve always dreamed of. My tip, if a machine takes 25% and quickly returns it back then cash out and get a new Machine. Best wishes

  13. Hey Andrew, you have a pretty consistent leak in your game where you are overvaluing 3 to the straight flush over a pair like you do at the 12:48 mark. Keeping the pair is substantially better, yielding 4.06 credits back to the straight flush yielding only 2.83 in 8/5 bonus. That’s a $6 mistake at the $5 denomination every time it’s made and can add up pretty quickly, I’ve noticed it in other videos as well. Keep up the great videos!

  14. Hi, JoAnna from South Philly…Always watch you but on my TV so don’t make comments. Know the Poker Guys are gonna be in AC in June but would like to know which casino or casinos you’re going to be at so I can make plans to come down the shore. Thanks so much!!

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