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About the Author: Casino Live


    1. Playing ultimate X without taking advantage of the multipliers. Basically just playing 5 coin boner deluxe. So why not just play a boner delux game instead and let someone else play ultimate X?

    2. @Bill Peterson I think because the casino considers ultimate x a carnival game and not a VP game.

    3. Well, the computer that tracks your play shows up as you playing UX machine which the casinos want to see, but your really playing straight BP. Not sure how it works in your favor so please explain Mr. Andrew😁

  1. Indeed. Play the best pay tables no matter what game, without the extra coins. I do it lots. You are so over do for a major hit.

    1. I have no proof or enough experience, but i swear ultimate x machines are programmed to not pay out as much. Ridiculous and baseless maybe, but i will never play on any of them again.

    1. Makes no difference. Pay table is all that matters. No reason to move unless you are uncomfortable or people are smoking or something. The mathematical volatility that occurs is so high on the possibilities of a 5 card poker hand. You can’t possibly observe a sample of hands large enough to accurately represent what hands you are “due” in a session. It is what it is. Also he has to setup his camera again which is even more annoying.

  2. Is there a list of pay tables that I should look for? Some site that lists them?

  3. only 40 seconds in and you hold Q spades K clubs and toss the 10 of spades. I know you have a video of you holding the wrong cards and the remaining royal cards appear!

  4. why play x with 5 coins when you need 10??? this is why the channel will never grow

    1. You don’t have to play 10 coins. Maybe he’s playing it just because it has a good table so he’s only playing five coins.

  5. torchure to bet a mulibet bet game and play it like a 5 coin poker gm.. what are you teaching others..

  6. Are you going to Laughlin? We’ll be there in January. Thanks for the installment too.

  7. You’re teaching your rookie viewers to hold unsuited high cards, surely you don’t think this doubles your chances to break even on the hand. you’re robbing yourself from seeing the fourth card off the deck. you just did it again at 9:43

    1. Anyone can play anyway they want but holding the face cards on this game it’s really not a matter of opinion, it’s mathematical fact that the two high cards are the correct call. The suites K10 would actually be the third best play on 9:43

    2. I agree. You may get many free plays by holding all face cards but you eliminate the big hands. I NEVER hold face cards of different suits.

  8. Alright smarty pants you had me googling the word Arbitrage😆. Still a little confused…LOL. I wanted you to go down to $2 coin so bad! I guess I always have John in my head saying protect your bankroll🤑

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