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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. If somebody hasn’t came within 15 minutes then I would start playing the machine

    1. Eff waiting around for someone to maybe come or not. We’ve got jackpots to win

    2. @@LadyLuckHQ you should call a manager in high stakes slot rooms. Casinos themselves should make rules for thls. If people are trying to raise funds put a lot of money in I wouldn’t be happy to come back and see someone playing it.

    3. I will wait for 10min if nobody comes back than I will ask the sup to verify than I will play ….

    4. Sorry if a butt isn’t in the seat that machine is fair game, no one should have an expectation of being able to hold a machine by simply pushing a chair up while they’re gone! Some casinos will lock off a machine for a player for the purpose of a bathroom break or having to make an atm run, I haven’t seen this lately but I remember when they use to do it a while back!

  2. It’s rude to put a saving chair against a machine and I would never do it.

  3. I do it sonetimes but i usually would kindly ask someone to watch until i get back from either getting change or bathroom and 9 times out of 10 someone will watch it.

  4. I got yelled at pretty good by a lady who pushed the chair up. Apparently she went to the atm and was saving the machine. I didn’t know what it really meant but when she came back she was pissed and I got so uncomfortable I cashed out and let her have it. She embarrassed me.

    1. Was her card in the machine & also was there money in the machine?……if not then I would wait 15 minutes because that is the maximum time a slot attendant can lock up a slot machine if it’s not a high limit slot machine

  5. Franny looking fit as hell! I think that somebody was trying to save the game. They probably ran out of money and ran to the ATM. It could also mean that housekeeping just vacuumed and they left the chair leaned over. The machine is fair game regardless.

  6. There are ways to reserve a slot, the chair way isn’t one of them. I personally wouldn’t go for it but it’s totally fair game

  7. I agree w you and I went to play a machine just like this actually put my card and money in and a woman rushed over and said she was playing the machine. I said there was no card or money in but was not going to argue in the casino w her over a machine so I took my money and card out and let her play and played next machine over. Within 5 spins she hit a bonus and won Grand jackpot of $11,000!! She came up to me after she got paid and gave me $100! I will never do that again!😂

  8. No money no card or together in the machine means it’s yours 😉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    1. 1 some people don’t use cards in machine 2 . I don’t trust to leave money in machine when I walk away for more funds or drinks. Common sense tells you that someone is playing the machine.

  9. Ok, so I have done this before, but I make sure to tell the person next to me (or close by) that I’ll be right back. If you ask the other people playing the other three dragon links how long the chair has been pushed up against the machine, they should be able at least give you an idea. If it’s been longer than 20 minutes, then play the machine. This is just my own rule of thumb.

    1. This is fair. I usually tell the person next to me. I’ll be right back. I’m only gone for 2 mins

  10. These are a ton of answers from people who dont play or are in a machine a ton of money. I like the 15 minute rule. See how you like when your in $5000 and no attendants available. Usually ask the person next to you to watch it.

    1. The law is that you can.t claim a machine if there is no money in it

  11. LL the majority of these comments will tell you that this means nothing and you should just go ahead and take the slot, assuming that’s what you’re expecting to hear, but slot players.. and I mean real slot players!.. know exactly what this means.. you’ve put time & more money than you should’ve 😂 into this machine! And this is the universal hold on a slot! If any one person went though the trouble of tilting the stool toward the slot it’s because this is the way they were instructed to!.. at this point, it all depends on how long it takes for said person to return to said slot.. but that’s a whole different story!🤓 May you both continue receiving Luck in abundance.. we’ll be watching!👀😁

  12. I work at a Casino as a Slot Supervisor. If there’s no card or credits in the machine and the chair is tipped up, I’ll put the chair back down. You snooze you lose. 🤷

    1. If no one next to it, didn’t say the person is in the restroom, etc. Then it’s fair game

    2. bad advice people may have put thousands into that machine and had to go to the ATM

  13. Its supposed to mean its being played but they had to go cash out or use the restroom, etc. But the rule is if there’s no money in the machine you can’t reserve it. You need to call a worker to watch and hold your machine if you’re needing a break, otherwise you risk someone taking the game “fairly”.

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