Texas Mike Runs Over the Table in MILLION Dollar Game






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Executive Producer: Nick Vertucci.
Executive Producer: Ryan Feldman.
Head of Video Production: Kyle Ravreby.
Associate Manufacturer: Neve Levy.
Audio Service Technician: David Olivares, Gerry Feldman.
Graphics Service Technician: Mike Peluso.
Video Production: Aatmaj Kapoor, Nathan Ramirez, Christian Pangrazio.
Animation: Alejandro Indriago.
Casino GM: Shaun Yaple.
System Engineer: Brett Drolet.
Production Coordination: Clint Santiago Dahl.
Special Thanks to the Flynt Household.

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Texas Mike Runs Over the Table in MILLION Dollar Game

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About the Author: Casino Live


    1. Just 2,5 buy-ins.
      I feel his pain every time i lose $25 in cash games.

  1. He was running over the table. If you won 98 out 100. But lost only lost 2 monster pots.

    1. Agreed he was crushing. If wins it’s big and loses its big. He lost a flip that he had the edge in. Keating should have folded pre

  2. He did indeed run over the table for the first day. He was running just as hot as Peter was. He lost it all to Keating the following day though. Super entertaining to watch!

    1. He played on 1st and 3rd days. It was wild how different he played between days. Shows what tilt does

  3. But in the end, who won ? This one lost, that one lost..who was the big winner ? Keating? Peter maybe?

  4. texas mike is the perfect example to show that it’s better to be lucky than good, it also helps to have no regard for money….

  5. Awesome hands shown and also lucky spots played well for max value..
    Handz making the fold was class.
    Knowing he didn’t manage to go home with all of the profit from these winners is a shame, but that’s poker.
    Great show, thanks Texas Mike and HCL

  6. Just for the record – Day 1 of Million Dollar Games (5/28) Texas Mike was up ⬆️ $516,000. Day 2 he didn’t play. Day 3 he lost $2.7 Million while playing 73% VPIP and 45% PFR.

    1. @@CallStation23 not me but I’m a big fan of his now, he brought a lot of entertainment to the 3 days he played. Steve the Father is a former lawyer, now a judge. I’m a chat mod on HCL

  7. Whatever everybody says I really enjoyed his play style and heart in the game !!! He made the game interesting for sure !!!

  8. More Texas mike !! Dude is an absolute legend with balls of steel. Can’t believe all the pathetic losers hating on him in the comments – the man shipped over 1 million in pre-flop, got snap called and immediately elected to run it once with pocket 10s. It was a flip and he lost, thats poker!!! Great player and even better entertainer on these streams. A real gambler and a player of the people. Hope we see him back again

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