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About the Author: Casino Live


    1. What? Do you want the dealer to turn every card around to satisfy your OCD?

  1. That commentator who always yells like a school girl when someone wakes up with a hand is annoying AF. Seriously all that excitement over pocket queens. He makes poker so unwatchable

  2. Click bait. The sickest runout is the quad Aces verse the royal in the World Series

    1. definitely not click bait. dude hit a 2 outer on the flop and then other dude hits runner runner straight.

    2. @@xhyperxgamerx4565 the event starts once they get all in and the qq is 80% to win. This was one of the 8/10 boards that the queens win. It’s just less dramatic when qq just holds but doesn’t change the fact, this is not even close to a sick run out

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