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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. The check back is insane but I think he was more concerned about the straight but still… Bad beat

    1. @@MrZookster But he was beat why should he bet? I don’t think the bluff would work because she rivered the set of aces. If he shoved I think she would call it

    2. @@NomedProductionshe was not beat on the flop. Checking back let’s all the crummy hands he beats realize their equity. Terrible check behind

    3. @@daddylongleg605 I know he wasn’t beat on the flop but I think she would call his bet on the river because she wouldn’t put him on a straight. That’s my opinion

    4. It’s a terrible check back on the river too. Don’t know what stacks were in this hand, but you are beating so many hands even with 4 card straight, a small bet especially to get calls from AK, AQ, etc. if you get raised he can fold, but you’re not getting enough value scare checking with a set of 8s. To be fair, Tilly has an even worse check on the river, but that’s ok, Tilly is one of the worst players I’ve ever seen. Go watch Tilly vs Antonious. She checks back kings full. E cause she had Antonious on quads lol

    1. @@MCtabst3Rright? He could have easily had a pair of bones instead of eights

  2. That one guy, I’m not sure if you heard, folded J9. Just to be clear.

    1. Guys, idk if you heard but that one guy folded J9, we all on the same page?

    1. may love the game, but I have literally never seen her win on any poker broadcast.

  3. can u stop spoiling the entire video with the caption. i don’t get why u do that it ruins the whole video

  4. First hand I’ve ever seen her win and she won as little as humanly possible

    1. I’m not even defending her, but outside of the GOAT’s like Daniel, Phil, Phil, Tom etc she’s featured winning as often as everyone else. Don’t tell on yourself for your own algorithm preferences😮😮😮😂

  5. They’re acting like it’s bananas that these two didn’t jam their stacks in with sets on a 4-liner board

  6. It’s not that unbelievable for the checks. A nine beats both their sets. They are both thinking they are getting trapped so they check.

  7. She wasn’t getting any more from him even if she bets. He wasn’t going to raise with a straight out there, and only maybe a call for a tiny bet.

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