Sammy Farha vs Daniel Negreanu Big Poker Hand on High Stakes Poker #shorts #poker

Enjoy this classic hand from Season 1 of in which and both struck huge hands!

vs Big Poker Hand on #shorts #poker

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  1. Used to luv Sammy πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ now Daniel is my favorite player πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

  2. Daniel should’ve said twice πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

    1. @LorneMac1 I’m trying to explain the math to you, if you don’t get it that’s fine, I’m not trying to insult just get you to understand. I was 100% serious when I said you should go read about running multiple times and understanding the math behind it for each of the players.

    2. ​@Amir Yadid I think you don’t understand the math. Multiple runs don’t change the expected value of the hands

    3. @Samuel Bach doesn’t matter,he had a chance to split the pot,wth are you talking about!!??

    4. @Samuel Bach Ah here we go again. Running multiple times doesn’t change the EV and that’s not what I’m saying.
      Daniel is equity favorite here, so let’s say he has 70% to win the pot. If they run 100 times he will statistically win 70 times meaning he will earn 70% of the pot. The more times he runs the more times his win rate will get close to the actual equity he has. Because he is the one with more equity, he should want to run more times, to protect himself better and get more of the pot, if he runs three times he will statistically leave this hand with more money than what he would have if they ran twice. There a great articles about running multiple times, you guys can read those if you do not believe what I say is correct.

    5. @Amir YadidΒ  you’re close. But statistically, over the long run Daniel will win the same amount of money no matter how many times they choose to run it. This is because if they run it twice, he has a better chance to scoop than if they run three times. This is why it is a wash no matter what.

      As an aside, it is funny to me to see this being the first time I have seen comments saying the players should have ran more than once, and it is obviously because of the hindsight knowing he got sucked out on.

  3. If you’re gonna only run it once (and Daniel almost always goes twice but was chasing a loss there), you better embrace the variance.

    1. the real poker goes once,
      many times is for amateurs who plays at the corner of the building.
      Don’t know who brought this stupid rule with many times,
      If you know poker, you fold or you lose all in once

    2. @db not really. Cash games are friendly games. They give one another options and chances to not bust out and to still play. Not all, but some.

    3. ​@JOHNizSiKit’s mainly for the favorite hand to protect against a bad beat and going broke. Like this hand with Daniel. In the first couple of seasons with Daniel on HSP, he was stuck almost a million at one point. Considering most players bought in for $100k, Daniel busted out almost ten times straight. No limit poker is brutal and you must have a proper bankroll for it

    1. @jronche his money was family money. Apparently he has a wealthy family but I don’t know for sure

    2. @Z561 runner runner ? Lol he flopped a flush draw what are you talking about? He had about 37% Equity on the flop and hit it. It’s not unbelievable at all

    3. @jronche none of them say how he got that money. It’s all conjecture they have no idea and if you noticed they alll word it the same. They know nothing

  4. I LOVE Sammy. He is SO COOL 😎 ❀️❀️❀️❀️

  5. Old HSP shows are still the best poker shows ever. New poker streams and shows are horrible in comparison

    1. Ever notice how different the pro’s play when it’s cash games with just a few players? They fold hands they might chance with at tournaments and they’re more open and honest with each other about certain things. Almost like a code of comrades to not f over anyone intentionally.

    2. @Monty I get that feeling nowadays with HCL more than ever. Sometimes feels like they’re playing some weird cash game / tournament hybrid.

  6. Fine for Sammy to call here. And Daniel won his first TV tournament ever by making basically the same play Sammy made here.

    1. @Paul GΒ  Personally I’d have a hard time playing those cards like Sammy did. But he only needed a diamond to win. Not terrible odds in that situation.

    2. @Dan Lyons yes its absolutely horrific. At best he was losing 12% of the stack he put in and when hes up against a higher FD hes losing like 24%. Its a significant -ev play. Just an absolute spew

    3. @Dan Lyons wow i never thought if it like that! Have u considered writing books?

    1. @jose perez please tell me you googled that or looked it up online🀣

    2. @9999NSW9999 He got a degree in business administration from KU, owns several businesses and has written books on Poker, namely Omaha. So it’s not impossible for him to be that wealthy.

  7. Cash is a different beast and so is Sammy. He’s a gambler but he’s a smart player and not weak. Sometimes you roll the dice with 30% equity and 2 cards to come and win. Not most times, but sometimes. Sammy also doesn’t just ship every flush he gets. You can only do this once in a while.

    1. No, hes an idiot. This is an absolutely horrific play with baby flush draw. Best case senario he”s 38%. What about when he’s against Ax or Kx of diamonds? πŸ˜„. Just horrible, awful, awful play

    2. @Egrin lol “once in a while you wanna lose $20k of equity, not moat times, but sometimes.” πŸ˜‚

  8. This is the second video I watched with these two today with the exact same run out. Farha won with the flush against negs and negs only wanted to run it once

  9. SF = one of the last ties to the old Vegas. In other words, the Vegas of legend

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