Insane Cash Game Hand on No Gamble No Future! #poker #texasholdem #lasvegas

Justin Young and Eric Hicks play a pot worth $409,000 on No Gamble No Future!

Insane Cash Game Hand on No Gamble No Future! #poker #texasholdem #lasvegas

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About the Author: Casino Live


    1. Of course it does. The guy has 4% on the flop. That means it will happens 1 in 25 times. It’s really not that shocking when it happens.

    2. I haven’t had running running on PokerStars in my favor for 5000 hands. but against me it happens all the time.

    1. That is disgusting. Happened to me in a tournament where this crazy guy went all in with just a pair and I had trips in the flop

    1. Agreed. Easy check back. Shoving on that board with just trips is suicide….

  1. I was all in for just a couple blinds in a free roll tourney with K2. Flop came 22A I thought I liked it, but the other guy had A2. I got up, was walking away from the table and they called me back because the turn and river came running kings.

  2. They play like the men you find at a bar on a Friday night playing video poker. Mid comp at best.

  3. I didnt know Budlight sponsored poker tournaments and provided the comentors too.

  4. Wow, terrible shove on the river. Only a better hand is calling, and his reraise on the turn was showing he either had a huge draw or a boat. Probably the only hand where it might work is JK, but I guess young would have value bet that hand himself.

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