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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. Thank you for such fascinating ideas! Your videos always inspire me! 👄😻👅

    1. I don’t believe you. Take a look at this picture that’s divided into boxes and tell me which boxes contain traffic lights.

  2. He didn’t go broke because his IDFology is on point and he’s Daniel effing Zionegreanu, that’s why!

    1. Salty a bit that he supports the right people in this conflict and not a bunch of soulless, heartless, lowlife terrorists?

  3. Just watched your video discussing XAI66Q and I am very excited about this

  4. Dnegs running comment bots on youtube shorts is the last thing I’d ever expect from him.

    1. it’s not him they’re crypto shills the ones not shilling a crypto coin are just there to mess up the statistics of the bots from same area of a country

    2. It’s not him running them, it’s him being the “victim” of them. It’s the bots that flock every channel, not the other way around. DNegs has nothing to gain from it.

  5. Easy. KK does not “block” AA, QQ, or JJ. He could only beat TT or a bluff.

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