ALL About LAS VEGAS: Old Vs. New – MANIA Podcast: Episode 6

We're back for Episode 6 of the Mania Podcast, here's what we covered today:

00:00 Intro
01:46 Exploring and Destination
02:39 The Allure of
03:40 Nostalgia for Old Vegas and Iconic Entertainers
06:34 Racial Dynamics in Vegas Entertainment
07:56 Cultural Development and Historic Reflection
10:44 The Evolution of Language and Humor
12:09 The Showgirl Experience and
16:50 : The King of Vegas
20:16 The Dark Side of Fame
23:36 Fame Then and Now
25:58 The Future of Work and AI Influence
31:53 The Appeal of Celebrities
33:21 The Evolution of Vegas: From Old School to Modernity
35:44 The Changing Face of Vegas Home Entertainment
39:07 Reflections on the Mirage and Personal Poker Journeys
42:58 The Underdog Mentality in Poker and Life
44:55 Boxing's Effect on Vegas Culture
46:20 The Hidden Homeless Crisis in
50:08 Proposed Solutions to
56:27 The Function of Billionaires in Social Modification
01:01:13 Eccentric Laws of Nevada

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ALL About LAS VEGAS: Old Vs. New – MANIA Podcast: Episode 6

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About the Author: Casino Live


  1. Fun ride with so many great ideas about tackling some os our societal problems. Keep it coming!

  2. MIss the old Binions,the cafe, watching Johnny Moss play poker,all the legends at the poker table. COMPS without a players card.

  3. You brought up Elvis,Michael Jackson. Put Marilyn Monroe in that conversation.

  4. Thank you for the insights into XAI73L. Much appreciated! Excited for what’s next ❤️

  5. Imagine XAI73L at $1 now and $15 next year. That’s why I’m all in—no brainer!

  6. To prevent pup Rocky from stinking up the room with his gas farts, light some candles around Amanda to burn off the obnoxious odor!

  7. I have been homeless and addicted to crack and herion for almost 20 years.. Got 5 kids. I got out of it.. Amanda and Daniel, I loved the way you talked about the subject. ❤ Thank you❤

  8. Homelessness is dear to my heart. It’s a conversation that is way to vast for me to speak on in a comment. I will say that I believe that Daniels thoughts is on the correct track IMO. Much love to this podcast.

  9. This podcast has become easily my favorite. Sorry to say it Dnegs but currently watching this one before your paradise vlog.

  10. I think Mechanics, electricians, and plumbers are going to be more in demand as fewer people know how to do those things, and will be able to get paid whatever they want at that point.

  11. Daniel, I’ve followed your poker career for 25 yrs. My all time favorite. When heard you started a podcast, my thoughts were, “Let’s have a listen.” IMO you’re about to dominate the podcast world. Your ability to shed clarity on a subject is Ninja like. Amanda’s badsss approach to “no nonsense” is a secret weapon to success. Only a handful of people have great success in multiple formats/careers. You’re one of them. I liked the “helping the homeless” subject. I think you have great solutions to complex issues.

  12. I know yall are still figuring out the tech of the podcast, but you may want to turn up Daniel’s gain on his mic and reduce the gate cuz it sounds like a zoom call mic. If you’re worrying about peaking, I think a compressor would solve that too. Hope this helps!

  13. Scott & I watched that Vegas special on CNN a few months ago and it was really interesting!

    Love Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Tony Bennett (we saw Tony Bennett here in Ontario about 10 years ago and he still sounded good!)

    Scott & I really enjoyed watching Californication as well!

    I definitely understand where Amanda is coming from with the weight issue! I’m petite as well and have always had issues with my weight! Like Amanda said, I know that I don’t need to lose weight either (I’m 4’11” and just over 100 pounds), but ever since I can remember, I’ve always looked in the mirror and not liked the way I looked on certain days!

    Talking about Universal Basic Income, I definitely think that it will come into effect sooner than we think! I work in a call centre for the Ontario Government (helping clients that are on the Ontario Disability Support Program) and I think my job will eventually be taken over by AI! Scott does Graphic Design, as well as creating websites and marketing and as you already said and he knows, his job will definitely be taken over by AI as well! He’s the same age as you though, so hopefully he doesn’t have to find a new career before retiring in 15 – 20 years!

    And the Mirage, we absolutely LOVED it and will miss it so much! We were there in June to stay there one last time before it closed for good! That’s when we stopped by to watch you play in the 50K PLO and chatted with Amanda, Christian & Patty 😊.

    Loving the podcast! Sorry for the long reply, but there were a lot of great topics to comment about!

    P.S. Love your idea on how to help 10 families per year and film it at the same time ❤

  14. Good stuff guys! The best way to help homeless people is to give or teach them to eventually provide for themselves. If you just provide an apartment they will never experience the pride all humans need to provide for themselves. I know easier said than done.

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